(as far as NDA and other things allow it)
- Learning/Writing Haskell since ~2014
- Created and held advanced Haskell-Lecture at my University
I also have a gitea-instance where one can finde more current things and backups of old.
- Author of Eve-Online-Interface in yesod-auth-oauth2
- Author of “New Eden Accounting Tool” (neat), which is basically a ledger for Trading in the game Eve-Online
- Driver behind getting https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/168 implemented and merged, because we needed it for our slide-filters (see Work-Experience -> Development of Filters)
- Author of img2ascii - Small cli-tool for converting images into terminal-codes & ascii using JuicyPixels, because i always forget what is on the images over an ssh-connection -.-
- Implemented Array-Fusion and Recycling for subhask as layed out in Recycle your Arrays by Roman Leshchinskiy
- Raytracer in Haskell for my Computergraphics-Course
- implementation of Densely Connected Bi-Clusters-Algorithm in Haskell (Paper)
- Chemodiversity-Project at University during my masters. Complete with slideshow explaining everything.
- several other dead projects :D